ATM Case Study

The Bank requested Secom Guardall to install a TTW ATM into an existing unused entrance way of a commercial building. The brief included
designing and building an "ATM Bunker”.

Secom Guardall carried out a site survey of the site to ascertain the scope of works required for the installation of the ATM into the location. This included building works, technical works, and security requirements and issues. The ATM room (bunker) was then designed, budgetary costing’s obtained and presented to the bank for sign off.

Once sign off was obtained, a date was set for the installation of the ATM. Site details and requirements were communicated to the key Stakeholders and Secom Guardall submitted the plans to the local council for building consent.

Once consent received, Secom Guardall’s commenced building works. Secom Guardall pre-staged the security for the ATM as well as fitted out the ATM bunker with electrical, data and security as required.

Secom Guardall’s specialist ATM team installed base, ATM surround and the ATM, connected and commissioned the electrical and security. Once the ATM was on line, Secom Guardall arranged for the cash to be loaded by the Bank’s ATM cash crew.

Secom Guardall uses an "end to end” process and mentality for our clients and our ATM team has been recognised as one to the world’s leading ATM integrator by NCR NZ.