Security Systems
We are experts setting up CCTV systems for businesses and residential clients alike. CCTV provides recorded high quality video surveillance that can positively identify people who come onto your property. CCTV is a valuable resource that assists police to bring conviction to criminals who might otherwise get away with their crimes.
If you have CCTV and the is an alarm activation you can take a look at what is going on from your cell phone or on request our monitoring station can access the video feed and decide what action is appropriate from what they see.
There are systems available that fill a room with smoke should an invader manage to gain entry to a property. Once activated the smoke machines can fill a room in seconds with harmless smoke so thick that you could hold your hand in front of your face and not be able to see you hand.
Combine this with flashing strobe lights and internal sirens and you have an environment that makes it impossible for the burglar to go to work.
There are many security solutions and technologies’ available today.
Whatever your security needs may be, Secom Guardall has the experience and the worldwide resources to confidently supply the most cost efficient and up to speed solution possible.